It has been a big year Pakenham Family Health and it is with great pleasure that we welcome the festive season!
Over the past twelve months we have added two very experienced practitioners to our team – Dr Kapadia and Dr Marshall. Both have already made a tremendous contribution to our patient care and became integral parts of Pakenham Family Health.
Another key addition to our clinical team was the arrival of our Practice Nurse, Allison Ford. Alli has been warmly welcomed by our staff and the patients alike and her gentle touch has made all those nasty injuries and child vaccinations a lot less painful. Sadly, Alli will be leaving Pakenham Family Health in January due to family reasons and we wish her all the best in future! We are hoping to confirm the appointment of a new Practice Nurse shortly so stay tuned!
We are hoping that January will also mark the start of practice for another GP at Pakenham Family Health. With the PFH patient numbers nudging 5,000 in December, this will free up more appointment times that are desperately needed at the moment. We are in the final stages of confirming the registration details for this doctor so we shouldn’t be waiting for much longer!
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our patients, staff and business associates a very merry Christmas and hope that 2012 brings you and your families health, love, happiness and prosperity!
Pakenham Family Health